Monday, April 28, 2014

Uke Club Fri April 25, 2014

There were 11 participants, and use of the washboard was recommended since we ran out of ukes.  Would you believe a tambourine was tastefully played?

The Lion Sleeps Tonite
Down By The Bay
I Have A Dream
Come By The Hills
End of the Line
First of May - Steve
Waltzing With Bears
I felt there was conflicting leadership and confusion so, suddenly I took over hosting at this point collecting votes with comments like "i have __ copies of _______.  how do you feel about that?"
Ruby Tuesday
What Colour Are You
The Lion Sleeps Tonite

How would the powers at be feel about a weekly open mic in the store Friday nites 7-9?

It's true I can't stop thinking about how its an honest, people's instrument.  Or wanting to continue to participating in a uke revolution and creating an alternate musical universe, lol.

I would like some tips for learning to match pitch at a campfire.  Is it just that I need to know more chords, or where to find notes?
Also, does anyone have tips to memorizing chord patterns, or for that matter, lyrics?

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