Friday, February 14, 2014

Uke Club, Fri. Feb 14, 2014

Today at uke club, you can tell I didn't remember the group shot until the very last minute!

At one point, brought the u-bass over for show and tell... but I put it back after half a song because
i.) i forgot for a second that it wasn't UKE club members i needed permission to bring a BASS into uke club from, but my co-workers i.e. as in use in the practice rooms in the lesson centre of instruments off the floor.  aren't we supposed to be doing paperwork about it?
ii.) i haven't looked at a bass chord chart in a while, and hadn't tuned it, and could only find G
iii.) p.s. unamplified (and played by me) it doesn't get to do itself justice.

I also showed a Kyser Capo, which someone asked about, and that we happen to have in stock.  I wished I'd also brought a Shubb mandolin option over for consideration.  A second-timer bought the student copy of Ukulele in the Classroom book I'd ordered in to show, and 2 others committed to buying it, including me.  The Teacher's version is still in the uke book bin - but more on that later.

Talk about your open door policy.  We set chairs right into the lesson studio doorways, to let the waiting area have more of a hallway while we gathered.  I wish more people showed up with their own music stands, and tea cups, and I need to learn more about...

Goals that we talked about this week include having Cynthia at least once a month to instruct us, and to invite some other special guests, including Ian Reid and Danny Michel.

Turn, Turn, Turn
Ruby Tuesday
Song For A Winter's Night
Brown Eyed Girl
Iko Iko
I Will Remember You
Lace And Pretty Flowers
What Colour Are You
Under The Boardwalk
The Lion Sleeps Tonite

Practice Room Rental $18

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