Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Uke 101, Mar 26, 2pm

The activity manager from a retirement residence in Cambridge reached out to our store with a note, "I was on your website and read about Ukulele Club and wondered if Kim Logue would be interested in doing a feature event here.  If interested Kim could come in and talk about the instrument and then do a simple interactive session that residents can participate in."

We set the date and time, and then she borrowed 8 ukuleles, and I brought 6.

We spent a lot of time getting comfortable with tuning, and passing around different ukes to experience first hand the different sound and feel of each.

We learned the so-called z-chord, and practiced a lot of G-C-E-A open string plucking, before trying the c-chord.

Then we sang lots of songs together,
Row Row Row Your Boat
Three Blind Mice

We even tried to master the F chord and enjoyed more tunes together:
Skip To My Lou
Iko Iko

And also Mary Had A Little Lamb, which one participant had in their uke kit booklet!

"The residents are still talking about how much they enjoyed that afternoon, so you were awesome!!"

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