Monday, March 03, 2014

Family Uke Jam, Sunday Mar 2, 2014

I am so glad I crashed the family jam hosted by Momma Uke.  I sure do want to be in her band!

It was fun to walk into the pub to be reunited with one of my ukes!  I should have handed out a biz card or two, or mentioned that I can sell them, because Cynthia gave it such an introduction, one man came up to meet it after the music.  He even took a picture of it, if you can believe it!  I thought it was a bit out of tune, and I hadn't loaned my tuner with it for the return that had just happened, so I have really GOT to learn to tune by ear.

my cfru toque made the video posted on facebook

I got there just in time for my "favourite" song, the Danny Michel one.  My kid seat neighbour didn't have the paperwork, and we couldn't see the projected song sheet  overhead screen run by the stand up bass ipad dad, ha, from where we were sitting, but I know a lot of the words and have practiced all the chords, and i love singing it!

One of our other-uke-club adult buddies was there, but she said she couldn't keep up, and admired how I snuck right in and at least tried to...  I was also there for Hey Soul Sister, Five Foot Two, Down By The Bay, one i didn't know but love, as they clearly did too, by Owl City.  It was so nice to hear all the kid voices! And to see them strumming their ukes.  Especially on the lyrics of a song called Brave, that they did by duress, yet all sang, "you can be amazing… be the outcast or backlash of somebody's lack of love...or you can start speaking up...say what you wanna say...let the words fall out... honestly, i want to see you be brave."  It was so beautiful!

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