Sunday, March 24, 2013

Uke Club Meeting #3 Minutes, March 23, 2013

All About Uke!
with L&M Guelph Lesson Coordinator Kim Logue, 
as part of "L&M University" sessions taking place nation-wide.

Sat Mar 23rd, 1-2pm 

With both quality and affordable instruments available for players of all skill levels, the uke is as popular today as it has ever been. This clinic will provide a tour of the ukulele inventory, with discussion about the variables that impact how the instruments sound, feel and play. Stop by to experience first hand how different wood, body dimension and design effect the sound of each uke.  
This interactive session will be followed by our regular uke song circle!

1. Volunteer Demo: soprano, concert, tenor
2. Volunteer Demo: mahogany soprano, solid top soprano
3. Volunteer Demo: travel uke
4. Volunteer Demo: resonator uke
5, Volunteer Demo: mahogany concert vs solid top concert
> Show and Tell about instrument variety amoung participants, especially Kim's electric and Bill’s banjo uke, baritone uke and tenor guitar
> Care and Feeding of Ukes – discussion of Accessories

Tuning > everyone at once, one string at a time 4th/G etc.
Suggestion re: rearranging seats for a buddy system for beginners, and the a reminder, if you’re just getting started don’t worry, just have fun and play as much as you can… catch up when the chord comes around again or just sing along!

Set list
You Are My Sunshine
This Land is My Land x 2 versions
Cynthia's piece
Freight Train
Jonny's lesson
Werewolves of London
Bill's lesson
My Girl
The Lion Sleeps Tonight

20 participants; The 10 feedback forms indicated that songbooks should be developed or chosen for participants to buy.  Also that the meeting frequency could be more often! With lots of compliments too...
"What a fun afternoon, I'm looking forward to coming back"
"Kim is an awesome group leader."
"Great fun." 
"Great time!" 
"Great Group!"

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